Max got to take his first plane ride last week. We went to SLC overnight for my friend Betsy's wedding. Both she and her now husband were/are so sincerely happy. I had a great time finally meeting people that I had only heard stories about for the past almost 15 years! The intertwining connections were killing me - one gal was going to visit an old mission companion the day after Betsy's wedding. Her companion happens to be the daughter of my first mission president, whom I had actually met when she came out to visit her parents after she got released. This gal's father served a mission in Finland with my dad. Never mind 6-degrees-of-Kevin Bacon. That game has nothing on the Mormon 'It's a Small World.'
I even got to spend time with Erica - we currently live 30 minutes away from each other, but we don't actually spend any time together except for this trip to Utah. Silliness. I need to teach her how to drive north. :) It's a good thing we went together - the batteries on my camera died after one picture, so she has the official documentation of this trip on her camera.
Max was great on the trip. I just put him in the baby sling I got from Kari and he just hung out. Pretty mellow the whole time. Until the ride home from the airport, when he cried the entire time. At least he saved it until the end.
I think subconsciously I was sort of hoping/expecting that when I got home Roger would be totally cooked, the house would look like a tornado had just blown through, and everyone would be crying. Roger would then bow down and sing my praises the second I walked in the door: 'Kat, I just don't know how you do it. You are amazing.'
Instead, the house looked great, the kids looked great, everyone was calm. Alex wanted to hang out with me, but Katie was perfectly content to keep doing her own thing. Then they went to bed, just like normal.
I have to confess, I was a little disappointed. They aren't supposed to get along so great without me! This is my current job - I should be indispensable! The world should stop turning when I'm not around - since I AM of course the center of the universe.
Reality is of course much better than my crazy subconscious day dreams. It is great that Rog is so actually in the groove with his kids that things function pretty much the same regardless of which parent is in charge. Well, he did say they might not have been able to survive on hamburgers for too many more days, but otherwise, things were pretty much normal. :) Maybe it's time for me to start planning some more adventures . . .
1 week ago
I hear the ocean calling you!
There's also a spare bedroom in Moscow...
Liz has a bed in the basement. You just need to plan around a trip from Mom.
Australia really is not *that* far away. That goes to all of you!
the ocean is always calling me. so is overseas. the problem is that now we've got to get 4 tickets. we so should have traveled more while katie was our only extra passenger. now we'll just have to wait for ed mcman to show up with that fat check!
yes yes more adventures! Thanks so much for coming out. I LOVED having everyone I love around me. It was my favorite day ever!
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