Our little Max is one month old already! He already looks so much bigger compared to just 4 short weeks ago. I read somewhere the other day that mother's love their daughters, but are 'in love' with their sons. Right now, that is completely true. I am simply enamoured with this little man. Perhaps because he reminds me so much of his dad? . . . Last week was a rough one without Mag here to help. There was a LOT of crying on Monday. Katie wore her pjs all day 3 days out of 5, and would have worn them more if her 'nightgown dress' had made it into the laundry. We made it to the zoo on Wednesday (the bears were TOTALLY active, Oma!), but otherwise Disney/Pixar was the rule of the day. Walking over to the grocery store is an entirely different adventure with 3. Our list got drastically shortened once we got inside, and I realized that my plan for getting everything home might have been overly ambitious.
Winter seems to be settling in this week, so maybe we'll hit pjs 5 out of 5 days this week!
Here's a little quiz: which one of these pictures is Max, and which is Alex? Too bad these kids look nothing like each other at the start . . .
Slow Start
1 week ago
I'm hesitant to take a guess, as I totally screwed up on the "which is Alex and which is Katie" pics. But I'll say that Max is the one in the blue and white striped prisoner outfit...the one that's not being held.
I can't believe Max is that big already! He looks great - way to go Mom and Dad! I'm voting for Alex in your arms and Max on the bed. I would suggest you get the pictures labeled in a hurry. But, if it doesn't happen, just fake it:) For us it's hard to tell if it's Cory or Josh, and now it's really hard to tell if it's Cory or Jeremy. It makes it easier if someone else is in the picture. Sam is the easiest!
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